Wednesday, February 29, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 97

As I met with my bible study last night and we discussed the chapter on fear of death, my thoughts were with my friend's family and how they are doing. I found out it was a very unexpected stroke that took her to Jesus. We ended up discussing what we think is on the other side. What do you think will happen when you die? A few of them actually had some real life stories of family that died and a bright white light that was seen. I think when people acutually experience this or something like it that is God letting them know it's okay. I am praying that my friends family although they may not have seen the white light or witnessed anything that was profoundly of God, that they keep the hope that they will see their mother, wife, daughter again. When something like this happens, you really take heart of your own life and how much you are loving others and how much you are sharing about God. There is always room for improvement! So first we take our prayers to God to help us let go of the fear so that we can reach out in love. Is there a fear of something that is keeping you from reaching out in love or being all God wants you to be? Seek him out and be freed.
Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

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