Sunday, February 26, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 94

After putting my daughter to bed every night, I leave her room and there is my son waiting for me. Sometimes, we play around and he blocks the doorway so I can't leave so I have to wrestle with him to get out which is not easy these days as he's bigger than me now. Other times, I will run around and try to fake him out that I am going to try going out through the bathroom. In the end, I get out of the room and we always have a wonderful long rocking side to side hug. It's not a moment that I have ever captured on film although the creative side to me will probably figure that one out but it's something I have to document in my scrapbooks. It's one of those everyday moments with my son that is so precious and I will always cherish those moments even after he leaves home someday to be on his own. We may not be able to have those precious moments with our sons, daughters, husbands and family every day but we can have those precious moments with God. Have you ever been reading scripture and you get this warm fuzzy feeling or get the good chills feeling? I am going to think of those moments as times when God is giving me a long wonderful rocking side-to-side hug. The more often you are in the Word the more hugs you get! So, what are you waiting for? Go, get a hug from God.

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