Friday, February 17, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge Day 85

My husband and I began a class last evening at our church called Jesus in the Movies. The premise of the class is that Jesus is portrayed in a variety of ways through out history including movie-making history. We will be seeing clips of a variety of movies to see how Jesus is portrayed. The pastor teaching the class spoke about how each of the gospels gives us a different portrayal of Jesus like Luke's gospel has much more details and stories about healings which shows a diffent side of Jesus. She explained that is how it is important to be reading from each of the gospels because they can show a different Jesus than any of the other gospels. The movie clips we saw last night were from a 1927 Cecile B Demille movie called The King of Kings. Yes, this was before movies had audio. It was interesting to see the cultural aspects that were brought into the movie simply because of the times it was created which was the roaring 20's and interesting to note how the director's perspective has an influence on the creation of the movie. I am praising God for this class and how we can learn more about Jesus and see how he's been portrayed in movie making history. Are you taking any classes that can help with your growth in your faith? I would love to hear about them.
James 1:5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.

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