Tuesday, January 3, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 40

On New Year's Eve we were up at Aunt Joanie's home in Sterling enjoying a mexican feast and doing a round of Apples to Apples Family version so Faith could play with us and a round of Uno Attack. Playing games with the family in Sterling has become a highlight to our times together. We all look forward to the interaction and laughter that ensues. This time was no different although we were missing a few family members. There was a moment when my son Tristan and Aunt Joanie who were sitting side-by-side where they were enjoying some playful banter. I kept that visual in my mind all through the first new day of 2012 and when I finally had a moment to myself with God relaxing in the spa that evening. I realized that it reminded me of my own aunts and uncles. I don't have any specific memories except for when my Great Aunt Elisabeth who lived on Catalina island was very kind and provided a new friend I had made and myself, a peanut and butter sandwich lunch. I wish I could remember more of the details but I do have the memory of the feelings. That is the only memory I have of that particular aunt because she lived on Catalina island off the coast of California so we didn't get out there too much. My praise is for those family members in our lives that we may not get to know or be around much but who in some way touched us even in the smallest way like a peanut and butter sandwich lunch.
Hebrews 13:1 Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

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