Monday, August 20, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 269

My eating program has been in slow-mode the last two weeks and I was day after day starting to feel more and more discouraged and tempted to eat something I shouldn't have. Well, the day finally came on Saturday afternoon. With no more crunchy meals in my Medifast stash and having a very strong desire for crunch, I ended up cheating and pulled out a bag of baked pita chips and pigged out as I watched an afternoon chick flick. Unfortunately, a lot of this is hormone driven as I have been super crabby, falling asleep when I should be awake and not sleeping when I should be sleeping. So, if this comes across wrong in any way, it's because I am need of some caffiene. So Sunday morning I go to get on the scale and weigh myself for the day as I do everyday. I half expected it to be up or at the very least the same as it has been all week long but to my delighted surprise I lost a pound and made it down into the 150's. Haven't seen those 150 numbers in quite a while so it felt amazingly good. Unfortunatley, my cheating bout didn't end as my hormones are still wreaking havoc and I raided the last bit of what was left in the pita chip bag after having lunch with a little avocado and some fresca cheese and a few tortilla chips. In any case, even if the drop to the 150's may be brief at least I know it can happen. I needed a little hope to get me through these hormonally driven dark days. This whole situation reminds me very much of how it is with our sins. Though we are trying not to sin, we may have those days where things are stacked against us and pushing us to sin more and more until we finally do. The great thing is that like I got on that scale and saw hope, we have the hope of Jesus every morning when we wake up to start a fresh day and every night when we go to bed discouraged, sad and guilty, Jesus is right there for us to say "please forgive me". Hope is alive and waiting for you. Just keep seeking...and praying...and looking and listening for Him.
Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

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