Monday, August 6, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 255

This Sunday our youth director did the sermon. It was an amazing sermon about how we need to remember how very Big our God is and we can do this and demonstrate this through our prayers. Joshua's relationship with God was such that he prayed for God to stop the Sun it's path. That is a Big prayer for a Big God. Nothing is impossible with God and Joshua truly believed that in praying for this. God answered and the Sun stopped that day for several hours. It spoke volumes to those that were worshiping Sun and Moon gods at the time. Only the one true God of the universe can do the impossible and stop the sun in it's track. Towards the end of the sermon, the youth director spoke about the incident that happened to the high school mission trip to Arkansas this summer that my son was a part of. I spoke about this before on my blog of how they came to find a car off the road in a ditch and as the adults on the mission trip lifted the car and held the head of the driver and spoke to him in Spanish about Jesus, the rest of the youth watched up on the road and prayed. They got the man out who was severly injured and he was put into a helicopter headed towards the hospital but unfortunately died in route to the hospital. God always answers our prayers but they may not always be answered specifically in what we prayed for. The point was made that it's not about the answer to the prayer. It's about the in-between point from the asking to the answer. Our God is a Big God and we can pray for anything and everything but it's not about the answer to those prayers but about our relationship with God. Examine your own prayer life as I will be doing mine and see if there are bigger things that you can be praying about to our Big God. Read this article about this miracle that Joshua prayed for here: 
Joshua 10: 13-14 “So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since…

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