Wednesday, January 16, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 53

This verse in Luke had me imagining all the angels and people that have gone to Heaven up there just cheering super loud and enthusiastically like the Broncos at a football game. The Broncos go nuts when a touchdown happens. Heaven is rejoicing in the biggest way possible every time a lost soul is redeemed. I just smile when I think that they were up there cheering mightily the day I sought forgiveness for my secret sins and accepted that I truly needed God. The truth is we all need God but like I was blind to the truth, others are having that same struggle with their need for God that they probably don’t even realize is there and their desire to do it themselves. I was this way last evening going through my mind what possible solution can I come up with to do my new task at work without it creating pain in my shoulder which is slowing the progress of healing. I finally sought refuge with my one and only who will help me. “Okay stop analyzing it to death and give it to the Lord”, I told myself. I asked the Lord to figure this out for me and than I went peacefully off to sleep. Just because I am a believer in Jesus Christ does not stop the evil one from using whatever he can to keep me from the Lord, including my own God-given temperament. I am an analyzer which has kept me awake on many nights. It can be a weakness in my temperament when I let it keep me from going to God. But the truth set me free again. I don’t know that the cheering in Heaven is as loud as when I first acknowledge Jesus as my savior but I am sure that God was smiling.
Luke 15:7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

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