Saturday, March 17, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 114

My mind has been cluttered lately with negativity, dealing with pain in my body, stressful workloads and the list goes on... It's a cycyle thing! Thankfully! I know I am in a part of my cycle that I just don't think and feel the same as my normal self. I have not been fully engaged in my praising efforts and not inspired. I hate that but I know it will end so I push through. In my effort to push through this morning, I pulled out a daily devotional book for women sitting on my desk. I ended up at a page that has this quote at the top: The body is healed only as the thought is healed-Connie Fillmore Bazzy. Wow, thanks God! It proceeded to talk about visualizing God healing everything in your body and ends with a short affirmation, I celebrate and give thanks for God's healing life. I will be saying that in my head all day as I head out to my job that is definitely been a sore spot lately and will be saying it at my acupuncture appointment I have today in the hopes that by God's will it will heal my foot pain. Do you get into negative ruts? Keep going to the bible and Him and he will help you get out of it.
Matthew 9:22 Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you."

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