Saturday, March 10, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 107

Last night I was tired. Not an exhausted kind of tired but I just felt like curling up in bed kind of tired. I got into bed about 8pm and started reading a book by Billy Graham about angels but I struggled to get through the chapter as I kept dozing off. I finally got through it and put it down and rolled over curling up on my side and fell asleep even though my daughter was right there in the middle of the bed playing on the laptop. My wonderful husband came in at 9pm, our usual bedtime and found me in a solid rock sleep so he took care of getting Faith to bed. This morning he tells me he was a little worried because he woke up later in the night and I was in the same position. He said he laid there trying to listen to see if I was breathing. Yep, still alive! I don't know where that solid kind of sleep came from as it is very rare these days but I am thankful for it. My husband says I think God was looking out for you because tonight we have to spring forward and lose an hour. Aha! That's it God was taking care I got enough sleep. I will go with that! Thank you God for a good nights sleep and for the cozy bed I have to sleep in.
2 Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with you all.

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