Friday, March 9, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 106

At our class called Jesus in the Movies last night, we watched a couple clips from The Last Temptation of Christ which I think was made in 1964. This week we were looking at movies of Jesus that were controversial. This one is more than just controversial. I was appalled that the true story of Jesus was twisted in this kind of way. The premise was that Jesus was saved from the cross by a guardian angel and that he goes on to lead a normal human life complete with marriage, kids and getting old. When he is old, a few of the old disciples come to him including Judas and who basically says you betrayed us. It portrayed Jesus as a nut case. I am sickened by the whole movie and know that the devil was at work in its creation. I am just praising God for his help in dicerning what is true and what is not. The Father of Lies got a film out that who knows how many saw and who knows who were corrupted by it. It does make me think of how very careful we need to be in what we are choosing to view in the movies and on TV. If it is taking you away from God, it is most likely not a good thing to be watching. If you feel anything negative about what you are viewing, put a magnifying glass over it and ask God to help you discern and decide what to do.

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