Saturday, June 16, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 204

I have been struggling with my weight the last couple months. I have gained to that weight some of us set for ourselves that tell us, Uh Oh, time to watch what I am eating and get moving. I reached that weight a couple months ago after my trip out to Texas with my mom and sister. To make matters worse, instead of going down it's gone up more. Ugh. Last Friday I committed to myself to not eat desserts for a week. No chocolate, candy, cookies, cake, ice cream, NOTHING. I did it which is great but the weight is still there. I know it's only a week but I have been use to doing good for a couple days and see my weigth drop a pound. I have been getting in some excercising too so maybe I am just building muscle back that I lost and that's counter-acting the weight loss I had hoped for? In any case, I am thankful to God for the abundance of food options we have and I am praying that he will provide me with the self-control and to be prepared. That was one of the things I learned from Weight Watchers, to be prepared. Plan ahead on what you will eat. My planning has been very piece-meal so I know I can improve upon that. I will have to keep holding on to the three P's. Patience, Persistence and Prayer.  I will get my weight back to a heathly level with God's help.
1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

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