Tuesday, June 5, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 193

Our sermon on Sunday was definitely profound for me because I feel I am at a crossroads with my fears and my faith. Do I take the road with my fears or do I follow the straight path to God with Jesus by my side and the Holy Spirit within me? There were so many good tidbits in this sermon that my mind was having trouble just keeping to one.  Let's start with the disease I now have a name for... the disease to please. Pastor Singleton said this fear is rooted in self-love and the desire for wanting others to love us. I think the lesson that I thought I knew about God's love being the most important and only love that a person needs to feel hasn't sunk in enough. I do care what others think of me and it is stopping me from taking my dreams of my ministry onward. I looked up some quotes about fears and one that really nails it is "You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith." Mary Manin Morrissey. Thank you Lord for making me aware of this disease to please and giving me the medicine I need to cure my sickness.  Intentionally focusing on my faith all the time and growing it is the first step. More on step two tomorrow...
Matthew 10: 31 So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

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