Wednesday, July 4, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 222

Yesterday at work, a co-worker suddenly exclaimed, "Oh I just got bit!". My thought and reply was immediately by what? She said it was a noseeum bug. A what?????!!! I was not the only one of us that have never heard of such a thing. I texted my husband. Nope never heard of it. He said it sounded like a joke an elementary school kid would make up. The next alarm company representative that called. Nope she hadn't heard of them either but said that's probably where the mysterious red bumps come from?! I made it into a time with a lot of laughs like it was a Friday afternoon before a weekend. The really funny thing is when I was getting dressed for bed last night what do I see.  Little red bumps on my leg in various places. Oh my gosh! They are for real! You can't see them. Don't know when they are biting you but the proof is right there in the little red bumps. I think some of our sins are like that. You don't see them for what they are. You don't realize you are getting bit by them because you have done them since forever that its just a normal thing to you. But eventually you see the proof of those sins... Like the little red bumps from the noseeum bug, they can multiple and eventually you could be covered with sins. Thankfully, we have Jesus who washes away our sins. He heals the little red bumps that are all over us.  He took those little red bumps onto himself the day he died for us on the cross. I started thinking what are the sins that I don't see and did a little research on sins. I found a list with 667 sins from the bible listed with the bible refrences.  List of Sins   It was overwhelming as I skimmed through the list. I kept up my research and found this article that made a very good point about how we can't quantify sins but must look to Jesus and go by what he told us. Find the Answer Here  Lord, I thank you for your saving grace and the gift of Jesus. Thank you for healing me of all the little red bumps each day, for washing away my sins.  I am covered with Christ.  Praise to God!
Galations 3:24 So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith.

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