Sunday, July 1, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 219

I really don't know what it is about being in the spa but that my mind goes to thoughts of God and what he wants me to do. Last evening, my daughter shocked me in the spa by dumping a cup of ice down my front-side. It was a fun moment and actully quite refreshing with the heat of the spa. My daughter ended up making some comment about ice and what its used for and immediately my mind snatched up the analogy of ice and purpose. Ice has  an over-all main purpose, to keep things cold but it does this in a variety of different ways like ice for a glass of lemonade, ice in a cooler to chill drinks and food, ice shaved and made into a snowcone or an ice bath for hard-boiled eggs and for the person whose fever has gotten too high. Maybe you can think of some other ways that ice fufills its purpose? We are like the ice. We have our main purpose to share the gospel and help bring the lost sheep to our Shepherd but how we do that differs. We each have our own gifts God has given us to help serve us in our purpose. It is a life-long quest to learn about our gifts so that we can use them for the purpose God has called us to. Here's a link for an on-line Spiritual Gifts Inventory:  Keep seeking wisdom and guidance and God will show the way.
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

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