Thursday, September 20, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 300

God is so working on me in terms of learning to love my enemies. My feathers got ruffled a bit yesterday when I heard on the news about the document that they say, says Jesus said "my wife". I was immediately angry with the media for taking something and exploiting it like this without any real research behind it. My first thought was maybe Jesus didn't mean it literally. Like the bible says we are the bride and he is the bridegroom. My wife could mean the whole body of Christ. Thankfully, our pastor last night did his research and shared with us 3 reasons this is not true. First the definition for the greek word for wife: GUNE (phonetical Goonay) is a woman of any age, whether a virgin, or married or a widow, a wife. Second, we should apply the theory of Biblical interpretation called Hapax Legomenon which basically says if a text only appears once in any form, it should be considered with less weight than if a text appears multiple times through many different authors and centuries. Third it is Coptic (Egyptian) script which is from the 4th century AD, 300 years after Jesus and from a copy of a 2nd century Greek text. Coptics were not known for Biblical accuracy, but rather for their astute and penetrating theology. So, my problem is still with the media. Love my enemy. Love my enemy. My second enemy of the day was my workplace especially after finding out the way our vacation time is accrued changed at the first of the year and nobody bothered to say anything to us. They changed it from an accrue by calander year system to a accrue by your starting anniversary date. Apparently, if at your anniversary date you have more than 24 hours accrued you will lose it. I have no idea if I lost any because my anniversary happend in July. This really got my feathers ruffled. I had to put on my head phones and listen to God speaking to me through music to calm myself down. Love my enemies, Love my enemies, Love my enemies. Oh, Lord this is so hard but I am thankful for your help in starting to learn the process of loving my enemies. Pray for them is what you have been telling me. So that is what I will do.
Matthew 5:44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

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