Saturday, September 15, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 295

I was eagerly anticipating a phone call from my church yesterday to hear about the final decision for the admin assistant position I have been interviewing for. The call came but the final decision didn't. They still haven't decided and so the HR guy asked for some  names of people I worked with in my volunteering at the church. This morning I decided to take some more initiative in giving them some help with their decision and completed a spiritual inventory which I will send in a card to the HR guy and the Head of Staff. I wasn't surprised by the results. The top 4 were: Administration, Encouragement, Knowledge and Teaching followed as a close second with Sheparding, Mercy, Wisdom and Leadership.  It was good to do this test again and see that some of my spiritual gifts have grown like Knowledge, Sheparding and Mercy. I am very grateful to God for this whole opportunity as it further shows me the gifts he's given me and those that I can work with and grow with. If you want to take a spirtiual inventory to get a better idea of what part of the body of Christ your gifts are called for, you can do the one at  Look under the Serve tab at top and than the Serve the Church tab on the left.  I would love to hear what gifts God has given to you and how you want to use them.
1 Corinthians 12:12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.

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