Friday, October 26, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 336

You know you have some worry in your heart when your mind won’t shut off at bedtime to go to sleep and when you wake in the middle of the night your first thoughts are on something that has you worrying. I had that go on last night. I have a conference call today with some big wigs with an alarm company to go over the notes on a whole lot of invoices which were mostly fines for not doing what the ordinance requires. My biggest fear is saying too much. This jurisdiction is our largest and is the most challenging because of the size and because of the ordinance and to say the least we weren’t prepared to take it on and it has been a learn-as-we-go process. So, I have to find the right balance in explaining why I credited some invoices without placing the blame on my company and making us look bad. I am praising God for just the awareness of what’s going on with my mind and will be praying that God gives me the right words and right tone of voice and a good listening ear as I go through this conference call so that I am clearly helping the alarm company understand the charges and the why’s on why I chose to credit some of them.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you;my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

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