Sunday, October 7, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 317

My awesome God gave me another classic analogy that is 21st century relatable. We are like cars. Each car is unique with its own way it runs, looks and is. Every car has certain needs to make it run properly, look good and be right. Every car needs gas. For us our gas is love. Without it we will be running on empty and eventually get stuck, we won’t be moving forward. Love makes the world go round and is what every car craves. Secondly, every car needs oil. It makes all the parts in us run smoothly. The oil in us is the Holy Spirit.  And thirdly, every car needs to be washed. The things of the world will make it dirty. So, it is with us. We need to be washed in the grace of God everyday so we can be made new, clean and right. So let’s go back to gas/love. If we don’t make the choice to go to a gas station and fill up our gas tank we are not going to get what we need. We have to make that choice to go to the gas station and fill up our tanks. We have to seek it out and connect with the source. Now the oil/Holy Spirit is something we have to ask for. Can I get an oil change, please? The Holy Spirit will give us the things we need like strength, patience, kindness, peace and so on. The better we are at getting our oil checked regularly the better off we will be running with all those fruits of the spirit in us. Lastly, we need to take the grace of God that he has given us and let that wash over us each and everyday. Make ourselves clean, new and right with God. Cars cannot just run on their own. They need a good driver, a complete owners manual and a good trusted mechanic to keep it running well. First off, to be a good driver, one needs to be taught well. We have to get our wisdom, guidance and be prepared for what the road ahead of us will bring by going to God who is the Master Driver instructor. Secondly, we come with owners manuals like our cars. The Word of God is the universe’s best and only complete owners manual for everything our cars need. We have to be in our owners manual to ensure we are operating our cars correctly and doing what our cars/selves need to maintain them and keep them moving forward. Lastly, Jesus is our ultimate mechanic.  He loves to love and serve and will give us all that and more if we take our cars/selves to Him to get our oil changed, our plugs checked, our radiator flushed and so on.  If you are feeling stuck in life, perhaps your car is stuck on a road somewhere. What do we do if our cars fail us and leave us stuck on the side of the road. We get out and call the mechanic to come fix us and than get back into our owners manual to ensure we don’t get stuck on the road somewhere again. We strive to learn from our Master Driver Instructor how to be a clean car that runs smoothly and is always moving forward. Today wash Your car, get an oil change and connect with our Master Driver instructor for another driving lesson.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

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