Thursday, June 27, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 213

I have been going over my class on temperament over and over again preparing to take the test. Each temperament has certain needs and when these needs are not met in a godly way they can lead to trouble for your soul which means trouble for all of you body, soul and spirit. A balance in these areas is the best option. In thinking about these needs, I remembered there is a verse in the bible about God meeting all of our needs. I think that most people read this verse and think mainly of their bodily needs or their life-style needs. We so often overlook the needs within our souls. We all have needs for socialization, control and love but each temperament has a varying degree of these needs and some temperaments have conditions for these needs to be met. People spend most of their lives trying to discover themselves. It is these needs within our temperament and our soul that we have to learn how to meet in ways pleasing to God. But first, we have to know what our temperament is and what are needs are. I am excited about being able to help people discover their temperament and their temperament needs and help them gain balance within their soul, spirit and body. It won’t be long before I will be authorized to administer the 10-minute profile a person needs to answer to start the process of finding out who God created them to be.
Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

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