Wednesday, June 19, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 205

As you know, I have been on this weight loss roller coaster. Not that I am super overweight. I am just over the border on weight for my height and frankly with acid reflux and not fitting into half my clothes, 5-8lbs is a big issue. I came upon this book called Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss by Kara Davis, MD. It is a Christian solution for weight loss. Ironically, her chapters are broken down by the fruits of the spirit. The first chapter on the fruit of love has really gotten me. She discusses the definition of agape love which is a godly love that is unconditional. She goes on to explain how agape love is also sacrificing. This makes complete sense in that God’s only son was crucified for us. Jesus could have stopped his execution at any time but because of his love for his Father and for us he was obedient and sacrificed himself. Our bodies are the temples that hold our soul and spirit and should be revered and taken care of. The Israelites took great care of their temple because God’s presence was there. God’s presence is within us as well as the Holy Spirit. So, to truly be loving God with the agape love means sacrificing those things that do not care for our bodies or do not glorify God. Being a coach potato night after night does not glorify God. Eating dessert everyday does not take care of your body. Maybe you can come up with your own things that you need to put under the magnifying glass of agape love?
Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.  This is your spiritual act of worship.

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