Tuesday, February 12, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 80

I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night thanks to the cup of tea I had but that cup of tea brought not only my sleepless night but joy and peace. The joy part came when all of a sudden my daughter took off running for the bathroom. She got in there and I hear this big “ahhhhhhhhh” and just smiled really big and looked up towards God and thought you gave me a mini-me, I don’t know if I should be scared or joyful about this but I will take the joy. The peace came in the middle of the night as I tossed and turned and got up to go to the bathroom 3-4 times. I got back in bed and just laid there wanting my mind to relax and shut off and I heard the train whistle blowing. At that moment I thought of how you come to get use to the sounds like a train whistle during the night to the point you don’t even notice them anymore. God is speaking to us all of the time but have the sounds and sights of our life drowned out the voice of God? Quiet time with God is an essential aspect to the Christian life. Without this time and being still to hear his voice, we will be led by the things of this world into darker territory. You often hear of the excuses a mother will say like there is just too much stuff to do, I can’t get a moment alone and I am sure I used that excuse myself thinking this is just a season I am in and I will get back to having my time with God. It’s time to let go of any of those excuses you have had that are keeping you from having some quiet time with God. I am a morning person so naturally it is the best part of the day for me. My mind is fresh and ready for the day but it may be best for you in the evening or afternoon time with a cup of tea. I have enjoyed my quiet time although it is often interrupted with my daughter waking up and coming downstairs but the point is to do it.  Lord, thank you for the peace you gave me last night when I heard that train whistle and thought of you. Help me to take the time to just stop everything and be with you with my mind, body and soul. Amen.
Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God.

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