Wednesday, February 20, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 88

It was ten years ago today that I went into labor at 20 weeks with my daughter. It was one of the scariest days of my life but with God’s help my fear was covered over with his peace. The minutes it took us to drop my son off at a friend’s house and get to the hospital were beyond anxious. I was shaking with the fear inside of me of what was happening. I will never forget the look of the nurse who checked me and yanked her hand away so quick. In the next few minutes they came and adjusted my bed I was on back degrees and told us the amniotic sac was protruding out of the womb. They got me to a room and the doctor came and took a look and gave us two choices: a surgical procedure to put a stitch in the cervix to keep it from opening more or take labor stopping drugs. The doctor had no idea what started first the cervix opening triggering the labor or the labor starting which opens the cervix. She told us the two choices and said I will give you five minutes and walked out of the room. The pressure of this decision was so intense. I asked my hubbie his thoughts and he was leaning towards the surgery and said it was my decision to make. I knew that I couldn’t make this decision alone and prayed at that moment for help. My prayer was heard immediately as I was filled with a complete sense of peace. My fear and anxiety were gone and I believed in my heart my baby girl would  live and be healthy. I made the decision to go with the less risky drugs and the labor stopped. Both nurses who worked with me through that first 24 hours came to me later and told me they literally felt God in the room. All I could do is tear up and nod my head with an “I know” in my heart. Seeing the peace that came over me and making the decision, my hubbie said you can name her whatever you want and I, without hesitation, said her name is Faith. The next day as I started my 4 ½ week journey lying in that bed angled back at 10 degrees, I read this verse in the bible and just cried with joy.
Mark 9:23 “If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”

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