Wednesday, May 29, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 184

I have been reading about a boy named Alex Malarkey who was in a car accident and went to Heaven. This boy has had angels visit him and heal parts of his body and he has been attacked by the devil. My daughter asked me what I was thinking about last night as we relaxed in the spa. So, I told her about the boy and how the devil was attacking him. The boy couldn’t say the name of Jesus and was terrified. But with lots of prayer coming from prayer warriors and his family he was able to fight off the devil and say “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”. Of course, my daughter asked how the devil was attacking him. So, we talked about how the devil is the liar of all liars and will say anything to us that might change our focus from Jesus to him. We talked about how even though the perceptions of this boy were acute and he literally saw angels and the devil that the more we open our hearts to the Lord the more we will be able to discern when the devil is attacking us. We talked about the armor of God and specifically about the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God. I told her that we will be attacked by the devil throughout our lives especially in those circumstances when we find ourselves weaker but if we are in the Word of God everyday and his truth is sinking into our hearts, we will be able to fight off the devil and his attacks. This part of our faith is tough for people. It is hard to imagine a war is being fought all around us everyday. It goes against what we see but things are never as they seem. We, as Christians, are soldiers of Christ so like any soldier we must prepare for battle. Put on your armor and fight the good fight.
Here is a good article on the armor of God:
Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

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