Tuesday, December 20, 2011

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 26

Thanks to the help of technology it's easier than ever to get into God's Word at least a little bit everyday. I have the bible app for my Iphone called YouVersion but did you know they have a website as well and on the website they have tons of different reading plans. So, I signed up for the 29 days of Christmas plan and for the Memorize bible verses plan and set it up so they will send an email everyday as a reminder. So, I was reading the first verse yesterday for my 29 days of Christmas about Adam and Eve and the word that came to my mind was "CHOICE". I realized that our biggest issue is that God gave us the ability to choose and Adam and Eve started us off on our path of sin by making the first 'wrong' choice. Any choice that steers you away from God is 'wrong'. Than, I started thinking how God already knew from the get-go that we were going to make the 'wrong' choice and already had a plan in place, Jesus. So, out of his great love for us he gives us his son and he has to die for us and come back from hell so that we can be saved. Again, we have a 'CHOICE' to make. It says that after they ate the fruit from the tree they were NOT supposed to eat from, their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked and covered themselves. When God comes walking in the garden to talk with them, they run and hide from him. Why? Because, they knew they had done something 'wrong' and SHAME was born. Out of our shame, comes the desire to cover it up so it can't be seen. I covered my sin of the abortions I had up for many years and justified them because we are given "CHOICE". But I chose 'wrong' and it led me down a dark path but thankfully God brought a light to that path and I came to fully know and understand the meaning of Jesus and that I was forgiven. The shame that I had covered up for so many years could be bared for all to see without worry or fear. I was free. So, I am thankful for my freedom to choose that God has given us and I am very thankful that God gave us a way out from covering our sins.
Genesis 3:8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

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