Sunday, December 11, 2011

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 17

So, yesterday was a Christmas shopping day for me with my daughter. The looming deadline to get packages mailed out is coming so I had to get out there and find stuff. I got caught by surprise at the register at Michael's when my total got cut in half. Wow, what, why? It's buy one get one free! Yeah, more money to buy more presents! So off we went to Family Christian Book store. I could have stayed in there a long time but shopping with Faith is always a rushed thing. Later, as I was reading a book by Rick Warren called The Purpose of Christmas, he talks about one of God's characteristics of always being present. There's another "P" word to focus on this month. God's presence in our lives is constent and never wavers. He's always there no matter if we see or feel it. But how can we become more conscious and aware of God's presence in our lives. Most of the time, we are aware when we are in desperate need but what about those times when we are just shopping with our daughter or relaxing in front of the TV or cooking up dinner for the family? This month we celebrate the present God gave us in his son Jesus Christ so let's give a present back to God and let him know how much we love him and know that he is with us.
Take this verse from Matthew 5:20 and insert your name in the spot for 'you'. And surely I am with Janine always, to the very end of the age. Type it up and post it in your home, write it up on a prayer card to keep with you in your purse, car or at work. Be reminded often of God's presence.

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