Tuesday, April 9, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 134

As I was driving home from my bible study group meeting last evening, I was on a dark two-lane road of hills that go through a dark forest. Everything is dark but the little bit of light from my headlights but as I look out on the dark horizon I see the edges of light shinning upward from an approaching car. It reminded me of a sunrise the way it looked. My thoughts turned to our dark roads that we inevitably get on during our lives. The dark roads are the trials and troubles that come to our lives. That light out at the horizon is Jesus. If we drive straight towards the light, we will get through our trials and troubles with hope in our hearts. Hope brings comfort. That light out on the horizon gave me that same comforting feeling of I am not alone out here. We are never alone when we have Jesus on our side and the Holy Spirit within us. The next time you are feeling alone, feeling like you are on a dark road, look straight ahead and see the light of Jesus leading you forward and through the darkness.
2 Samuel 22:29 You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light.

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