Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Unexpected Surprises

Our sermon on Easter morning was about how we can look at life like it is a tragedy or we can live our life like it is a comedy. Comedies always show how something turns out better then expected. We often expect the worst and are therefore living as if tragedy is our life. But the comedy brings surprises, the unexpected. The Bible is a comic book if you really look at it. There are tons of examples of surprises and God doing the unexpected from blessing Abraham and Sarah with a son in their very old age to Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, to the king of all kings born in a barn. Life brought me an unexpected surprise this Easter morning. I got on the scale hoping to see that my 10lb weight gain from our family reunion cruise had decreased in the last 7 days since our return. I had to get on the scale twice and then ask my daughter to get on it just to be sure it was working right. I proclaimed it to be an Easter miracle! I lost the full 10lbs and was back at the starting weight I had before the cruise. Unbelievable. As I thought about this wonderful blessing, I realized that my sun poisoning and swollen ankles probably contributed a bit of water weight which was why it seemed like I gained so much. No matter the reasoning, it was a glorious unexpected surprise! I saw another surprise that God brought to a family in Nebraska. We went and saw the movie Heaven is for Real. 4 year old Colton Burpo had seen heaven with details that are unbelievable but our Father loves surprising us with the unexpected. Who says you have to die to go and see Heaven? There is no limit to what God can do. I pray that you will come to love the surprises and the unexpected and live for them and for God.

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