Thursday, August 14, 2014

Meditating Is an Imagination Stretcher

I meditated on Psalm 13:5-6 yesterday and I came up with an analogy and great visual of the truth of God’s unfailing love and how we can trust it. We can trust his unfailing love for us like we trust that the sun will shine every day. Though there are times where the storms and clouds cover the sun, it is still there and still shinning down on us. I went on to visualize the second half of the psalm about 'rejoicing in your salvation' I saw myself on the top of a mountain with my arms open wide and raised to the sky, twirling around in the delight of His presence. The third part of this Psalm is about singing to the Lord for he has been good to me. So, here I am on the mountaintop, like Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music and that song comes to my head; the hills are aliiiiiiiiiiive with the sound of muuuuuuuuusic So, I had to put it into my words of praise; I am aliiiiiiiiiiiive with the love of Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus. My heart will be filled for a thousand years. 
Meditating becomes so much when you let your imagination take over. Give it a try and see what fun things you come up with that really help you sink the verse you are meditating on deep into your heart. 

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