Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 12: Drawing Closer to God (Practice Makes Better Not Perfect)

Today, I found myself with the opportunity to talk about Jesus to a 5 year old in my preschool class who was having a bad day with his anger. To work on calming him down, I had him go into the library section of the classroom which is cozy and comforting with the extra large teddy bear. I felt convicted to work on getting him to focus on Jesus so I got a plaster cross that I had given to him way back when this adventure started with him in my class. He responded well to it then so it was worth trying again to regain a sense of calm. It did help and it led us to talking about Jesus. He wasn't convinced that Jesus was in his heart and at five I am not sure they will fully understand but I felt it was worth talking about in the hopes that some seeds would be planted. I walked him through how we all sin and Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins allowing our spirits to reconnect with God's spirit. Well, it went as well as it could have gone considering this boy's anger problem which I am starting to wonder if it might be a biological/chemical issue. In any case, I am thankful to God for this little experience witnessing to this 5 year old. It was good practice in learning how to witness to someone about Jesus.

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