Monday, July 29, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 238

Have you ever wondered about some of the people in the bible who may not even be named but you wonder what happened to them. Paul and Silas in Acts 16 are beaten, flogged and put in chains and thrown in jail. They are praying and singing hymns to God about midnight when an earthquake happens, their chains fall off and the doors open. Now it says that the prisoners had been listening to them. I am betting this praying and singing went on for some time. I can imagine some of the prisoners complaining wanting them to keep quiet and maybe some of them snickering and making wise cracks but as midnight approached they were listening. Had the time and words finally sunk in. Did Paul and Silas just plant seeds of faith? The earthquake and escape are like the water and fertilizer all at once. Did the other prisoners leave, racing to their homes and telling of what they heard and witnessed? Were they forever changed just because they were in that prison with Paul and Silas? We don’t know. There are many things we just don’t know. It would be impossible to write every story of every person who encountered or experience Jesus or the early church. A lot will remain a mystery. Paul and Silas may never have seen these prisoners again until heaven. Maybe the prisoners greeted Paul and Silas when they entered Heaven and shared with them their story that started the night in that prison. Perhaps one day we will have people we have touched, encouraged, loved and cared for and shared with about Jesus that will come to us in Heaven and share their story with their own Seed Sower.

Lord, We don’t know the plans you have for any of us but I do know you love us in ways we cannot ever understand. Lead me to be a Seed Sower of your love and truth. Amen.

Acts 16:25  About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them.

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