Thursday, July 18, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 228

I found this great book called The Divine Mentor by Wayne Cordeiro at the library. I am only partially through it but already know I will have to buy a copy to have on hand as a source for my counseling practice. He made a great case for two types of teachers: Consequences and Wisdom. How many of us have learned the hard way over and over again because we hadn’t the wisdom to do otherwise. Our greatest source of wisdom is from the Word of God and the author’s main point of the book is that being in the bible daily we will plant seeds from the stories of the people in the bible who will give us wisdom when the time comes and we need it. The author also goes into the difference between choosing from right and wrong and choosing from wise and unwise. He gave a good little story to illustrate this concept: A man working in his office was talking with a woman co-worker who was having some emotional issues. He took her to lunch to discuss and after lunch while sitting together in the parking lot she leaned over and gave him a kiss just as the man’s wife was driving by. He didn’t do anything wrong but the choice to take her to lunch was unwise and led to his wife not trusting him for the next 8 months until the trust was built back. There are constant choices in our lives some of which can have life-long effects. How much better off we would be if we called on wisdom from the Holy Spirit within us to help us make wise choices. It’s just as the apostles do in Acts 6 when they are confronted with an issue of widows being overlooked for food. They know that they are called to continue the ministry of teaching and evangelism so they call on 7 men to take on the responsibility of making sure physical needs are met of the people. They wisely choose to delegate rather than try to do it all themselves. And so our first deacons of the church were created...
Ephesians 5:15-16 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

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