Thursday, September 5, 2013

365 Days of Spirit-Filled Fruits Challenge-Day 274

The owner of the company I work for was in town yesterday so I knew that there would be some kind of change/s foretold but this is not one I expected. I sit next to a wall that is the dividing wall between the data entry office and the customer service office. It use to be an open doorway but they walled it off a little over a year ago. Now, they want to put a door back in the wall and have one of the co-managers sit near the door so she can keep an eye on us and make sure we don’t have a bad attitude. Yes, really! I just laughed and shook my head at this news not really happy about a door going in right behind me. I was awake at 4am this morning and my brain started thinking about work stuff. Ugh. Don’t like to think about work when I am not at work. But God gave me a nice reminder of wisdom I have learned when it comes to bad attitudes. Turn your attitude around by focusing on gratefulness. Be thankful for the blessings you do have and those negative thoughts will float away leaving you with a much more positive attitude. So, I will take this wisdom with me to work today and see if I can figure out a good way to pass this along so we can all become more positive.

1 Thessalonians 5:15  Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

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