Saturday, September 8, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 288

Last night I read a children's book to my daughter we got at the library last week called The Terrible Plop by Ursula Dubasarsky. It is about an apple that falls from a tree into the pond making a big plop, however the bunnies who are nearby eating carrots and chocolate cake, yes I said chocolate cake, don't know that it was just an apple. The sound alone spurs their fear of the "terrible plop" and they make a run for it, telling and getting other animals running away with them until they come to a grizzly bear who has the courage to see what this terrible plop is about. He takes the littlest, most scared slow-poke bunny with him back to the "terrible plop" site. Another apple falls from the tree landing in the pond but this time the little bunny sees it happen but the bear only hears it and he runs off scared leaving the bunny alone to sit by the pond and eat all the chocolate cake he wants. This was a perfect example of how our fears can be. They may seem like these "terrible plops" but when you really look at them you find it is just an apple falling from a tree into a pond. We tend to let our fears become overwhelming like a big mountian is looming before us but when you really look at that mountain you find that its just a little hill with a rocky top. We can't let our fears control us and have us running away. We have to face them and see them for what they really are. Face your fears today and get a clearer perspective of them and see there is noting to fear but fear itself.
Hebrews 13:6 So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can Man do to me?"

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