Wednesday, May 23, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 180

Last night I was attempting to load some photos from my camera of the latest designs in God's Good Gifts faithbooking workshop series but I was having some trouble. It wasn't showing my camera in the drop down to select where to get the photos from. I tried closing and turning off the camera a couple of times without any success. "Bedtime" I heard from above, so I left without successfully figuring out the problem. As I got into bed, I asked my hubbie if he could take a look at my computer in the morning because I couldn't get my photos onto the computer. The first thing out of his mouth was, "did you check to make sure it's plugged into the computer. Oh no! I knew immediately that that was the problem. I have done this before but had forgotten until now. This makes me think of how people may think they are connecting with the Lord by going to church every Sunday but do they walk through the rest of their week truly feeling connected. Jesus said "remain in me and I will remain in you." Connection to our savior is meant to be a constant, not a one-hour a week kind of thing. The Lord has a camera of photos to share with us but we have to be connected to him to receive the photos. Are you making the connection to the Lord everyday, every moment?
John 15: 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

God's Good Gifts-Freedom in Christ Design Sample #1

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