Sunday, April 22, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 149

I am on vacation and I have had time to just breath and pray and let God work in me without all the cares of life and my work weighing me down. I am praising God for these retreats where one can get away from it all and just have fun, love and be with God and each other. God gave us a retreat every week with the Seventh day being our day of rest. Take this day and open your heart to ways you have never done before. Not a journaler, try it! Singing not your thing, turn on the worship music and do it! Not big on being on the phone, call a believer and catch up!Haven't read the bible in who knows how long, open up Psalms and just read one! Take this day of rest and devote it to God.
Psalm 77:12 I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.

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