Monday, February 13, 2012

365 Days of Praise Challenge-Day 81

I attended a women's day retreat this weekend at a different church than my own. Although it's always a bit nerve-wracking at first because it's a new place, people you have never met and you don't know what to expect, I found it to be very refreshing after getting past the initial gitters. One of the ladies was awesome and probably could see the anxiety in my face as I just have that kind of wear everything on my sleeve kind of face. She got me introduced to a few people at a table and my anxiety started melting away. They are just people for pete sake. I can't seem to remember that. The main message for the day at the retreat was about connections which I was a bit giddy about since it's been part of my mission to make connections with other Christian women through faithbooking. Did I meet my new best friend? No, but it was nice to be reminded of how similar we all are. We all have fears and we can all call on God to help us overcome our fears, to be courageous, to take initiative and seek out other sisters in Christ. I've made the connection with this church and look forward to meeting and building some relationships with my fellow sisters.
Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?

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